“R U OK ?”
It’s interesting that most of us think, at first glance, that, most disturbing comments or actions that we observe are simply, black and white. They
It’s interesting that most of us think, at first glance, that, most disturbing comments or actions that we observe are simply, black and white. They
Narcissism: Noun: A person who is overly self-involved, often vain and selfish. Uprightness: Noun: The condition or quality of being honorable or honest: rectitude. You
Anxiety is a common mental health disorder. It can be a cause of physical illnesses and depression. Demands in life can relate to finances, work, or
All too often were discriminated against in some way. They may only be subtle comments or gestures, but its enough to make you feel like
The manipulating personality of a cleverly disturbed narcissist. ‘A Schemer‘ that becomes demeaning, ridiculing, frightening and unpredictable. Slowly they move their personality in, leaving you
The increase in domestic violence is having a devastating effect on families in this country, with an estimated 657 domestic violence matters reported each day
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